6 Tips To Master An Interview

1. Research the company!
Such an easy tip that candidates still don't pay enough attention to. Memorise the company's service offerings. What's the history of the company? What's their mission statement? Key company values? How do they present themselves on social media? Company achievements?
2. Market yourself.
Be confident and show your personality! The company wants to know if you're a "good fit" and they can't do that if you don't show who you are. Show enthusiasm for the role. Give detailed answers. Get rid of pre-interview nerves by arriving early, grab a coffee and relax in the building foyer 20 mins before your interview.
3. What is the intent of their question?
Think about what they want to hear from you. Even if they ask you a closed question, their intention (what they are really asking) should be obvious. Take your time and think about it.
4. Always have questions to ask!
Asking questions show that this opportunity is important to you. What type of personality fits well for this team? What are my expectations/goals in the first 6 months? Then acknowledge their answer and take the opportunity to "market yourself" again based on the extra information they provided you.
5. The MOST IMPORTANT question to ask.
"Is there anything else I can tell you about myself or that you need from me?" Leave no stone unturned about your suitability and keenness for the role!
6. Give them feedback face-to-face!
Tell them that you are interested in the opportunity and why, before you leave the meeting. Even if it was a disastrous interview this is your last opportunity to turn things around and sell yourself!